
About St. Paul's Secondary School

St. Paul’s Secondary School is a small independent school located in the heart of Balsall Heath, and only a short drive / walk from Kings Heath and Moseley, Click here for our Find Us Page.

Our provision is targeted to meet the special educational needs of young people, aged 11 – 16 years, who experience social, emotional and mental health difficulties.

In previous settings our pupils have exhibited challenging behaviours, which are frequently associated with a wide range of complex conditions, including ASDADHD, Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties and challenging behaviour.

Many of them have experienced multiple changes of school and periods out of full-time education.

We provide a small nurturing environment, for up to 35 pupils, with firm boundaries, where we support pupils to develop strategies to manage their responses appropriately. We believe that all young people have the right to enjoy their education in a safe and nurturing setting. We listen to young people’s ideas and help them build their own path through supportive learning contexts. St Paul’s School encourages individuals to grow in confidence, gain valuable qualifications and develop essential life skills.

We have developed positive relationships with the local authority to ensure we are working closely with SENAR to be able to provide support to families and young people who are in need of a supportive and inclusive setting.

The school day has now been changed to start at 9.30 am and finish at 2.30 pm. Transport has been notified and changes made in accordance with this. 

How to make a Complaint

As an organisation, we take all complaints seriously. We have a full complaints policy and accompanying set of procedures, copies of which are available from our School Office or available to download from our Policies and Procedures page.

Initial complaints should be made to the Interim Head of School, Sarah Hyde via telephone on 0121 464 4376 or via email to info@stpaulstrust.org.uk.

If the complaint is concerning the Head of School, please contact Lisa Martinali, the Chief Executive Officer of St. Paul’s Community Development Trust on 0121 464 4376.

An appeals process is included in this policy.