
Day of Service: Wednesday

Time: 9.30am to 11.30am

Venue:  Malvern Street

Does the service have a supporting crèche? not applicable

How do I book a place? Call Tahani on 0121 464 6349 if you are interested in attending.

Can Do is a weekly Stay and Play session exclusively for children with additional needs.  We provide a sensitive and stimulating environment, rich in learning opportunities, for each individual child.  The sessions provide opportunities for children to experience play provision outside the home, giving them the opportunity to play alongside their peers and experience a wider range of learning opportunities.

We encourage parents to play with their child and share in their learning experiences, providing them with knowledge and confidence to repeat these play experiences at home.  We aim to build confidence in parents and children so readying them to move onto nursery, school or other provisions e.g. other stay and plays.

We welcome professionals who are involved in the children’s care and education to join us during our sessions to make observations, deliver therapy and help children achieve their individual learning targets.

Parents have the opportunity to form friendships and share experiences.

“This is a wonderful group for mums and children. The toys and activities are great and I feel really at home here. It’s lovely to have an environment that is just for me and my son. I’ve enjoyed sharing my story and experiences with other mums and to know I’m not alone in all of this.”

“We travel here every week to this group, even though it is a long way for us to walk, we hate to miss it. I would really like my local children’s centre to have a group like this.”